Treatment Conditions
The Sanctuary Oceanic provides private, luxury therapeutic retreats and rehabilitation programs to treat a broad range of issues from rejuvenation through to complex medical management.
We endeavour to treat you and all of your presenting issues in an integrated and holistic manner.
Some of the conditions we treat are listed below.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Alcoholism or alcohol addiction is a chronic condition requiring sustained intervention and treatment. Those who are dependent on alcohol experience a craving for alcohol, a loss of control over their drinking, withdrawal symptoms when not drinking, and an increased tolerance to alcohol so that they have to drink more to achieve the same effect.
Alcohol dependence is considered a progressive condition characterised by a strong need to drink despite undeniable problems associated with continued use. Dependence on alcohol is a serious health issue which can lead to deteriorating functioning, problems relating to loved ones, and chronic health problems such as cirrhosis of the liver. Alcoholism can be physically damaging and can profoundly affect the way one views the world, and if left untreated, can ultimately lead to early mortality.
If you are not sure if you have a problem with alcohol, you can try an online self-test using the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) tool developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to determine if your alcohol consumption might be harming your health.
Please be aware that early phases of detox and treatment must be medically supervised as abrupt withdrawal from drinking can be fatal.
You may undergo your detox prior to your arrival at The Sanctuary. If deemed suitable we also offer a separate Detox Program with 24/7 medical supervision.
A Holistic Approach To Addiction Treatment
The Sanctuary’s approach is truly holistic, bringing together your mind, body and your deepest self into alignment and harmony, but importantly, at the right pace and with the most appropriate therapies at the right time.
We remind you that early phases of detox and treatment must be medically supervised as abrupt withdrawal from drinking can be fatal.
Once withdrawal is stabilised, personal training, body work and complementary therapies help to strengthen the body while intensive psychotherapy and other reflective therapies help to understand the underlying issues behind the urge to drink.
In addition to treating the actual addiction, we will also work with you and teach you how to identify and deal with the issues beneath the surface. We endeavour to help you understand what is driving you to use alcohol, and will work with you to resolve these underlying issues. We will empower you with a sense that not only are your issues manageable but that alcohol is not a necessary or even helpful solution, and give you the tools to live a happy and fulfilling life without alcohol and its devastating effects.
While anxiety is a normal and very human response to any situation provoking, fear, pain or stress; any anxiety that is persisting, overwhelming or out of proportion to a given situation may require professional support and treatment.
If you're constantly worried, exhausted and feel completely overwhelmed by your troubles, we can help. Hopefully, we can initially ease some of your concerns over the phone and help steer you towards the right treatment.
Types of Anxiety Disorders
Generalised Anxiety Disorder – fears and worries seem irrational or unrelated to a given situation, yet symptoms including nausea, shortness of breath, trembling, muscle tension, irritability, headaches, sweating and fear, continue unabated.
Panic Disorder - people react with sudden and unpredictable episodes of panic to otherwise unremarkable situations. Often those with panic disorder feel they are about to die or that something disastrous is about to occur.
Phobias – people develop intense fears about particular objects or situations.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – people experience intrusive and compelling thoughts which require containment by elaborate rituals such as hand washing, checking and rechecking or counting. These rituals usually interfere with normal life and can be debilitating at the extreme end of the experience.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – exposure to a traumatic event or situation continues to haunt sufferers months or years after. People with PTSD can often have issues with substance abuse and depression as well and can suffer marked changes in personality.
Different types of anxiety require varying treatment approaches. At the Sanctuary we can help you understand the specific nature of your anxiety and focus your treatment accordingly.
Holistic Anxiety Treatment
Treatments for anxiety disorders can include psychological and pharmacological interventions.
At The Sanctuary, our multi-disciplinary treatment approaches include relaxation techniques, problem solving, graded exposure, cognitive behavioural therapy and empathic supportive psychotherapy in conjunction with medical assessment and a comprehensive range of complementary therapies to treat anxiety disorders.
Our holistic approach also requires comprehensive attention to your environment and to increasing your capacity to self regulate.
Importantly, our aim is to have you understand that while feelings of anxiety cannot be banished, your sense of control can be increased and that through exercising this control, windows of peace will emerge and take hold in you.
Cardiovascular Optimisation
Our heart and blood vessels work hard for our entire life. The cardiovascular system provides oxygenated blood to all our organs and tissues, and it remove toxins and waste products.
Cardiovascular disease is largely preventable, with modifiable risk factors (such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol) accounting for up to 90% of the risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack).
We take a multidisciplinary clinical approach to formally evaluate a client’s cardiovascular disease risk levels, then provide them with the best evidence-based strategy and treatments for their individual needs. A client’s specific circumstances are always taken into consideration so that a realistic and sustainable process can be implemented and maintained for the long-term. Prevention is better than cure but wherever possible we will also aim to reverse existing problems.
Chronic Pain Management
Chronic pain is pain which is experienced beyond short episodes and which persists for longer than expected when healing from normal injuries or illness. Chronic pain can result from injuries, illness or in reaction to environmental or emotional stressors. Diagnosis is often complicated by the subjective nature of the condition, and the role of the mind in maintaining the experience of pain.
Chronic pain is usually experienced as more than just a physical symptom. Other consequences can include depression and anxiety, reduced concentration, and reduced functionality in work and social relations, all of which contribute towards a generally diminished quality of life.
This is where a holistic treatment approach can help - as how you perceive and relate to pain is just as important as the experience of the pain itself.
Holistic Chronic Pain Treatment
At The Sanctuary, complementary therapies are skilfully integrated into the treatment plan to help ease suffering and to support clients to gain mastery over their habitual responses to chronic pain. Importantly psychotherapy remains a vital component of treatment, ensuring any cognitive distortions or anxiety and depression are appropriately addressed.
One of the significant issues associated with chronic pain is inadvertent addictions to painkillers. Without proper management, sufferers of chronic pain end up relying more and more upon high doses of painkillers with diminishing relief, so not only do they end up suffering from pain but also from addiction to strong pharmaceutical drugs. This is usually the point at which more comprehensive and skilled management is required.
At The Sanctuary we consider chronic pain from a biopsychosocial perspective – where in addition to medical assessment of any possible organic causes, multi-disciplinary pain management strategies are explored and an examination of the social factors associated with the condition.
Complex Medical Management
Our Comprehensive Medical Management Programs are designed for those clients with complex medical conditions requiring reviews by experienced physicians and specialists, with nursing support. We are able to review conditions, disorders and syndromes affecting multiple organ systems (neurological, cardiac, pulmonary, genitourinary/renal, gastrointestinal and endocrine).
This program is not suitable for those requiring actual hospitalisation or those in an acute phase of their condition. The aim of our comprehensive medical management program is to assess how the condition is currently managed, refine an approach to treatment and introduce less invasive complementary therapies where able. An integrated ongoing management strategy is established that is suited to the individual requirements of each client.
During your program, in addition to allied health and complementary therapies, you will have regular contact with your treating doctors and 24 hour nursing care where required.
Depression describes a range of conditions associated with overwhelming sadness, hopelessness, lethargy and increased risk of physical illnesses.
More than just a low mood, depression can be debilitating and is surprisingly common. It has been estimated that at least one in five people will experience depression in their lifetime.
If you suspect you are suffering from depression, we can help.
Treatment is recommended if the depressive condition is severe, chronic, associated with self-harm, or has failed to respond to other/previous treatment/s. Depression can worsen if left untreated, and it is important for the condition to be properly assessed.
Depression Treatment
At The Sanctuary, we treat depression in an integrated, holistic manner involving input from doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, allied and complementary health practitioners. Your treatment is customised to your specific needs, and we will work with any of your existing treating health professionals to ensure continuity of care.
While medical supervision is undoubtedly required, we also advocate the use of nutrition, exercise and healthy self-care. Regular exercise can be extremely beneficial, as can the use of complementary therapies.
Some of the central pillars of our depression treatment plan include:
A focus on meaning - we understand that depression is often a response to a lack of meaning or a lack of fulfilment; feeling that your life is just putting one foot in front of the other but not finding any joy, passion or spark. Through intensive psychotherapy and activity based therapies, we aim to bring back hope and a sense of joy to your life.
A focus on diet & nutrition - to make uplifting neurotransmitters, an optimised diet is essential. We incorporate food that is delicious and high in brain-building elements to promote and support neurochemical balance and efficient, healthy brain function.
A focus on exercise - getting your body moving can help you regain perspective. Exercise helps promote the production of 'feel-good' hormones and in combination with therapy, is considered to be one of the most effective ways to tackle depression.
Drug Addiction
The key feature of addiction is the engagement in a particular behaviour which is compulsive and brings about a desired change in consciousness, yet proves problematic in the long term. Drugs can have powerful effects, bringing about obvious physical, physiological or psychological changes in the body.
There are varying degrees of illicit drug use, and problems arise when the harms associated with use begin to outweigh the rewards. If regular drug use is likely to place you at odds with the law; or if continued use is beginning to affect your general health, moods, the quality of your work and your relationships with others, then your overall quality of life is at risk and professional treatment and support may be necessary.
Drug abuse is prevalent and pervasive and cuts across economic lines, age, gender, social status and culture. Anyone can be affected by problematic use.
Public perception of drug abuse is usually centred around illicit street drugs such as heroin and amphetamines, however the drug crisis currently faced by ordinary people often relates to the misuse of prescription drugs. Because prescription drugs are usually legally obtained, ongoing use may not have been appropriately questioned, and for those needing help, continued problematic use exacts a toll.
Over many years at The Sanctuary we have noticed increasing prescription drug abuse amongst highly functioning people, unlikely to be identified as 'addicts', yet who qualify as having substance use disorders. Side effects sometimes cause more problems than the symptoms the drugs were initially deployed to treat.
A Holistic Approach to Treating Drug Addiction
The use of substances or drugs whether narcotics, stimulants, hypnotics or hallucinogenics, can be surprisingly complex. At The Sanctuary, we will help you understand what is driving you to misuse drugs, and work with you to resolve these underlying issues. We will help you understand the broader picture of addictive processes as they play out in your life, and give you the tools to live a happy and fulfilling life without needing drugs.
Treating drug addiction holistically requires a sensitively staged approach. As abrupt withdrawals can be potentially fatal, medical supervision is required from the outset.
Following the acute withdrawal stage, rejuvenating therapies, light body work and light personal training will help build strength and vigour. Meanwhile, intensive psychotherapy and other reflective therapies begin to illuminate the underlying deeper reasons behind habitual drug use. A renewed connection to life is bolstered through engagement in a range of interesting, fun and enjoyable activities.
Our holistic approach will bring your mind, body and your deepest self into alignment and harmony. All of your program activities and therapies will be introduced at the right pace, at the right time, and in the right mix.
Please be aware that early phases of detox and treatment must be medically supervised as abrupt withdrawal from drug use can be fatal.
You may undergo your detox prior to your arrival at The Sanctuary. If deemed suitable we also offer a separate Detox Program with 24/7 medical supervision.
Drug & Alcohol Detox
The Sanctuary provides a safe, medically supervised Detox Program with comprehensive medical support.
Our Detox Program recognises the importance of comfort and constant support. During this program, experienced Doctors and nursing staff are available 24/7. Clients are given reassurance while learning how their bodies are reacting to the withdrawal of substances from their system.
If you use alcohol or other drugs on a regular basis, some degree of tolerance will invariably develop over time. As your body adapts to substance use, more of the substance is needed to have the same effect. Importantly if you cease using alcohol or drugs, unpleasant withdrawal symptoms can occur as a detoxification process commences and your body readapts.
Alcohol and drug (illicit and prescription) withdrawals are generally complex and unpredictable. The withdrawal experience without appropriate professional support can be difficult to manage, destabilising and potentially fatal.
The prospect of having to go through an uncomfortable withdrawal is often the key reason for avoiding quitting drugs and alcohol use. Detox and withdrawal can feel simply awful. But you needn't worry. At The Sanctuary, your comfort is our main concern and we will cushion your detox experience with the most comprehensive detox management strategies available.
At The Sanctuary Oceanic, we are experienced in assessing complex substance abuse and we are able to devise the most effective and nurturing detox regime for a safe recovery.
As our focus is multi-disciplinary, many of the symptoms of withdrawal can be mitigated by less invasive therapeutic modalities such as shiatsu and acupuncture. Nutrition and a healthy diet will help ease the physical suffering while practices such as yoga and meditation will help calm the mind. The withdrawal process is constantly monitored by registered nurses and specialist medical personnel in accordance with best practice clinical detox guidelines.
During the Detox stage, we will:
Help you understand the physical and mental discomforts you face
Monitor your physical response and your emotional state
Ease anxiety or any physical discomfort with the judicious use of appropriate medication
Use the right combination of complementary therapies required to ease any side-effects of the withdrawal process
Help you gain confidence to survive and prosper beyond this difficult period.
Executive Rehabilitation
The Sanctuary specializes in treating corporate / executive clients requiring positive lifestyle changes with regards to substance abuse or management of executive burnout, stress, chronic pain or other mental health issues.
Highly successful and motivated professionals and executives are not immune to developing dysfunctional patterns of behaviour to cope with the demands of their roles. They may resort to substance use or may suffer consequential harms such as chronic pain, depression, anxiety or inability to modulate moods. This can impair not only professional capacities, but also relationships with colleagues and family members.
When the stress of professional life begins to flow on to the private and personal realms, sensitive and effective intervention is required.
At The Sanctuary, we specialise in providing tailored assistance to corporate clients to help them regain balance and equilibrium.
Even though intensive treatment must be undertaken away from the usual workplace, we do understand that realistically, some business demands simply cannot be put on hold. With a focus on work/life harmony, we enable executive clients to incorporate regular work commitments and responsibilities into their treatment program.
The Sanctuary has successfully assisted many corporate clients to develop healthier habits, to deal with their issues, and to learn how to lead a more balanced life, while maintaining connection to their responsibilities at work.
Family & Couples Support
Even though an individual’s treatment is important, it is equally important to work positively with and support the family system and relationship milieu.
Please note our understanding of what constitutes a family and a partner is intentionally broad and inclusive.
We value and respect the experience and views of family members and significant others. Where therapeutically relevant and with the client’s permission, we are able to invite family members or significant others into treatment.
Our Family and Couples Programs provides family members and partners with:
a forum to learn positive communication skills and address chronic issues and concerns with the guidance of a professional mediator;
a chance to enhance mutual understanding of each others’ needs;
a chance to reignite passion, respect and regard for each other;
an understanding of the psychological, medical, and spiritual aspects of the recovery process;
meaningful ways of supporting loved ones through difficult times; and
referral to resources available in their community;
On completion of our Family or Couples programs, clients, their partners and individual family members have the foundation to rebuild their relationships with each other, heal past wounds and create a new beginning for love and intimacy.
Post-Operative Recovery
Individuals undergoing surgery may find it a traumatic process and the period afterwards can often be very challenging and disempowering.
A strategic approach to recovery after surgery can ensure the best outcomes. Our expert multidisciplinary team will develop a post-operative rehabilitation treatment plan that is individually tailored to the client’s need and enables them to undertake a safe, efficient and sustainable path to recovery.
Our approach to rehabilitation can also be applied to other traumatic events such as sporting injuries, recovery from a motor vehicle accident, a stroke, or heart-attack.
Post-operative rehabilitation encourages a return to independence. A focus on practical abilities and quality of life is pursued while mental and physical strength is regained. We provide a rejuvenating environment and incorporate physical, psychological and creative therapies in beautiful natural surrounds. Our aim is to heal the whole being.
Weight Management treatment
The Sanctuary can provide specialised multi-disciplinary weight management programs for those who are unable to maintain a disciplined program on their own, or for those who for medical reasons, require supervision and careful monitoring.
Our aims are not only to ensure that a realistic weight management program can be developed but that it can be also maintained with a careful balance of lifestyle improvements, healthier food and adequate exercise. Education and active participation are also key goals of our weight management programs where intensive psychotherapy and coaching helps to examine the unexamined reasons behind living a sedentary lifestyle or eating unhealthily.
Our weight management programs involve comprehensive medical assessments, 24 hour supervision, and assessments by dieticians, fitness professionals, physiotherapists, body workers and other complementary therapists. Importantly, each weight management program is uniquely customised to each person’s specific needs. You will also enjoy the services of a personal chef who will liaise with other practitioners to ensure that your food is prepared according to the recommendations of your treating team. Your chef will also educate you about your specific dietary needs and cooking lessons are available to ensure you leave with developed skills to maintain a healthy diet.
You will be introduced to a range of healthy physical activities that you can choose to incorporate into a regular routine. All exercise will be monitored by professionals and your limits carefully respected so that we can slowly increase your capacity to engage in physical activity without inviting injury.
At The Sanctuary, we promote a steady, sustained and most importantly safe approach to weight management, helping you to establish a program you can continue well into your future.
Wellbeing & Health Rejuvenation
Good health is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity but is defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being". Good health is often compromised by emotional and physical stress, lack of fitness, poor nutrition and inappropriate body weight - whether underweight or overweight. From a holistic perspective, physical health is also linked to emotional and mental health. Diets for example are seldom effective without the necessary understanding of the psychological factors behind inactivity or unhealthy eating patterns. Change must occur both in behaviour and in attitude.
At The Sanctuary, we provide specialised programs for clients wanting to create positive changes in their lives. If you feel that you are not quite as healthy as you can be; that you need support and inspiration to make lasting changes to your life; or if wish to maximise your sense of well-being - we can help you build a stable foundation for positive change.
You may be carrying more weight than is healthy for your body. You may feel low in energy. You may not eat properly. You may work too hard and not know how to unwind. Many lifestyle factors contribute to feeling less than healthy. At The Sanctuary, we can help you examine all the factors in your life requiring change. We will gently guide you to adopt better lifestyle choices and help you continually develop and reinforce the new habits required to replace old ones that no longer serve you well.
Our multi-disciplinary team will help you understand yourself better from a holistic perspective - a more comprehensive view of oneself that includes not only better understanding of thoughts and emotions, but importantly, a sense of improved physicality and a sense that you are in charge and in control. We will help you improve your diet and assess your level of fitness which we aim to improve during your program. We will help you identify emotional and cognitive 'triggers' and patterns hindering your growth and through a combination of targeted therapies, help you to increase your vitality and health.
Our Well-Being and Healthy Living Programs are especially suitable for those clients not needing intensive medical care, yet needing sustained and positive changes in lifestyle. We can help to initiate and maintain lasting changes so you can live your life to its full potential.